AI assurance for innovators of autonomous systems
Just how safe is artificial intelligence? Those of you of a sensitive disposition might be recalling James Cameron’s self-aware Terminators in a post-nuclear wasteland. If you need some ‘AI assurance’, read on ...
Resolving cybersecurity in digital transformation
Digital transformation surges on. But alarm bells are still ringing around cybersecurity, a vital area of commercial concern where attackers only have to exploit one weakness, but defenders have to protect everything ...
Pathology: time for digital transformation?
In essence, the approach to pathology has remained unchanged for years – but is it time for pathologists to experience digital transformation powered by AI? ...
How to extract maximum value from LEO satellite connectivity
LEO (low earth orbit) connectivity is being propelled by reusable infrastructure solutions. The new layers of LEO connectivity promise an array of public and enterprise services – but how can we overcome the challenges and seize maximum value? ...
Companies focused on physical products, from beauty to laundry, are embracing the opportunities of digital. The time to make things happen is now, so you are intent on digital transformation and growing in entirely new ways, this eBook is essential ...
Digital transformation means getting savvy with private 5G networks
Big ambitions in manufacturing, logistics, retail or utilities mean harnessing automation. To achieve that, industrial digital services need wireless connectivity – so it’s time to get up to speed with private 5G networks ...
User experience is the key to AI-optimised telecom networks
There is a presumption that artificial intelligence will play a key role in optimising telecom networks. But what exactly will AI be optimising for? Our view is that user experience – user happiness – will be the key ...
Our carbon footprint modelling tool for product sustainability
Over a series of discussions with clients on sustainability we’ve been building a quick and accessible modelling tool to model the carbon cost implications of typical high-volume products across a variety of markets ...