From stratospheric antennas to implantable bio-sensors, from the thermodynamics of carbon capture to quantum technology and AI-designed biology, we use deep tech to challenge and change the status quo.

Read our latest research and insights to help you see beyond the innovation hype and find out how emerging technologies are solving important business problems.

Inside CPGs

Inside CPGs – experts share their views of how CPGs can turn profit from digitally enabled products

Digital transformation is a huge topic, sweeping across many aspects of our lives, from ecommerce to the digitalization of internal systems.  When we partnered with news publisher CGT (Consumer Goods Technology) for its latest webinar, we were keen to focus ...
The Engine MIT venture ecosystem

CC and The Engine venture ecosystem: an alignment of ambition

We're ramping up our commitment to The Engine, the ambitious venture ecosystem spun out of MIT to support ‘Tough Tech’ companies and solve key challenges in climate change, human health and advanced systems ...
5G network connectivity for utilities

Private 5G network connectivity for utilities

Utilities are well aware of the potential of private 5G networks and are keen to explore the full spectrum of digital systems for next generation connectivity. Private 5G networks can meet the connectivity requirements of modern utilities – but the ...
Single photon advanced optical sensing innovation

A breakthrough in advanced optical sensing

The ability to count and track individual units of light can have an exciting range of applications across medtech and beyond, as a recent collaboration with Cambridge University has proved ...
Parkinson’s Disease active implant innovation

Why the world needs digitally connected active implant innovation

Dr Ashwini Sharan and Cambridge Consultants provoked debate with a film, ‘A day in the life of a Parkinson’s patient in 2030’, which imagined seamless therapy enabled by smart active implants, surgical robotics, digital connectivity and AI ...
Equivalence of simulation for autonomous systems

Highly equivalent simulation for autonomous systems

Simulation is only as good as its approximation to the real world… its ‘equivalence’. We’ve been exploring how intelligent simulation with a modular framework can deliver results faster to drive autonomous system development ...
Autonomous mobile robots navigation

Autonomous mobile robots navigating dynamic environments

The world is experiencing significant progress in AI-enabled autonomous mobile systems. Could autonomous mobile robots navigating dynamic environments open up new automation opportunities for industry? ...
Surgical robotics accuracy and precision

Should robots control accuracy and precision in surgery?

Should we be designing systems that autonomously control both accuracy and precision for the best outcome of the patient? Andy Savarese explores the questions and looks ahead as the role of surgical robotics evolves ...
Photonics for health monitoring and personalised medicine

Revolutionising health monitoring could just be the start for photonics

Photonics promises to revolutionise health monitoring. Here, Tom Watson explores the wider potential in personalised medicine – and provides insight into overcoming the key challenges that lie ahead ...

Deep tech

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