

Global pharma drug delivery collaboration | Cambridge Consultants


Start-up technology risk management | Cambridge Consultants

Start-up technology risk management in The Engine venture ecosystem

Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong ...
Responsible AI and sustainable AI | Cambridge Consultants

My AI manifesto for sustainable business growth

I want to talk about radically changing the way we do businesses that organisations can flourish while we protect communities and the environment. Artificial intelligence is ready to drive a more sustainable yet commercially successful future ...
CCE, Kieran Reynolds

Automation foundation – CCE

While other sectors have embraced the digital age and forged ahead with new technologies, techniques and approaches, construction has seen slower change. Some estimate that manufacturing productivity has increased eight-fold and agriculture 16-fold in the last 70 years, while construction ...
Commercial UAC News, Chris Borbeau

Many hands make light work – next-level collaborative drones – Commercial UAV News

Many hands make light work (properly coordinated hands that is). This timeless truism is the essence of why I believe collaborative autonomous drone fleets with a dynamic hierarchy of command and control will help ambitious companies seize the future ...
E+T Engineering and Technology, Stewart Marsh

The new space economy is ready for lift-off – E+T

The new space economy has arrived. From universal communications to space tourism and printing organs in zero gravity – what does it promise and is it a positive human endeavour? ...
E+T, Oli Quirko

As industry goes all-in on automation, what happens next? – E+T

Businesses from across industry are scrambling to implement automation plans. Those who get it right will be poised to own the future ...
Biofuel decarbonisation of aviation

HBx could spur the air industry towards net zero

Decarbonising aviation is a herculean task, but the HBx organism holds the potential to radically change both the carbon intensity of transport fuels and the economics of the biofuel industry ...
A new way forward for industry: the pervasive intelligence of evolved intent-based networking

A new way forward for industry: the pervasive intelligence of evolved intent-based networking

This paper outlines our concept of ‘evolved intent-based networks’ – utilising pervasive intelligence from across an entire communications network to automate configuration that supports a specific set business of requirements ...











