

AI assurance and responsible AI


Bench to scale workshop insights for tech start ups

Bench to scale workshop insights for tech start ups

While exploring some of the details of CC’s workshop approach to help tough tech start-ups, Roger Mainwaring-Burton reveal the secrets of taking a product, service or company from benchtop to scale to success in the market ...
Quantum computers, quantum resilience and security threats

Autonomy and quantum resilience for government

Potential quantum attacks are part and parcel of the changing security landscape. Government organizations are exploring the use of quantum for defense security, as well as the efficiencies of future states that these technologies will enable for mission-critical operations ...
DVF for digital innovation | Cambridge Consultants


サイバーフィジカル分野におけるイノベーションのアイデアを思い付いた場合、次のステップはどうすればよいのでしょうか?誰もが何から取り組むのか理解していたり、成功する自信があるわけではありません。当社では、DVF(Desirability:必要性、Viability:持続可能性、Feasibility:実現可能性) で知られるデザイン思考の手法を採用し、製品開発を進めています。
Smart infrastructure and the intelligent city: unlocking the complexity

Valuable opportunity for the autonomous electricity grid

In this insight piece, Gavin Doyle explores the opportunities and technical challenges of an autonomous power grid and unpacks the three key enablers of such an advance ...
Start-up technology risk management | Cambridge Consultants

Start-up technology risk management in The Engine venture ecosystem

Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong ...
Responsible AI and sustainable AI | Cambridge Consultants

My AI manifesto for sustainable business growth

I want to talk about radically changing the way we do businesses that organisations can flourish while we protect communities and the environment. Artificial intelligence is ready to drive a more sustainable yet commercially successful future ...
Biofuel decarbonisation of aviation

HBx could spur the air industry towards net zero

Decarbonising aviation is a herculean task, but the HBx organism holds the potential to radically change both the carbon intensity of transport fuels and the economics of the biofuel industry ...
Propelling automation in a simulated environment

Propelling autonomy in a simulated training environment

Niall Mottram attended the Automate Conference determined to put the case for simulated environments as a key accelerator for autonomy. His main takeaway – simulation is right on message and in tune with the mood of the industry ...











