

Photonics for health monitoring and personalised medicine

Revolutionising health monitoring could just be the start for photonics

Photonics promises to revolutionise health monitoring. Here, Tom Watson explores the wider potential in personalised medicine – and provides insight into overcoming the key challenges that lie ahead ...
Medical device design user experience

Six insights into successful medical device design

Designing a medical device is a challenging creative task. Not only must it be safe, reliable, easy to use and have market appeal, the product design must be accepted into people’s lifestyles ...
Web3 distributed data architecture

Getting the right distributed data architecture for you

To decentralise, or not to decentralise, that is the question. This Web3 dilemma reflects the likely thoughts of current digital leaders who want to make the best use of their digital assets while maintaining trust in their data systems ...
Digital services innovation for autonomy

Digital services must ensure that autonomy fits human society

They are already physically loading our online shopping baskets, vacuuming our homes and maintaining our lawns. But what will it take for automated and autonomous systems to proliferate across industry and society – on the roads, city streets, building sites, ...
AI assurance in autonomous systems

AI assurance for innovators of autonomous systems

Just how safe is artificial intelligence? Those of you of a sensitive disposition might be recalling James Cameron’s self-aware Terminators in a post-nuclear wasteland. If you need some ‘AI assurance’, read on ...
Cybersecurity for digital transformation

Resolving cybersecurity in digital transformation

Digital transformation surges on. But alarm bells are still ringing around cybersecurity, a vital area of commercial concern where attackers only have to exploit one weakness, but defenders have to protect everything ...
AI in the driving seat

AI in the driving seat

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is the fastest growing technology segment in the automotive market. We examine the commercial and technological challenges to wider adoption of ADAS and set out ...
Digital services decentralised platforms

The new digital services contract of data control

Time is running down on the tacit agreement that we will happily trade our personal data for digital services. In this article I examine the distributed ledger technologies which will power breakthrough smart digital platforms ...











