

DNA testing and precision medicine | Cambridge Consultants

What next for precision medicine?

The world of DNA testing is changing fast and the race is on to provide cheap, quick genetic diagnoses for patients. Symon Cotton, Head of Life Sciences takes a look at the opportunities on offer for companies working in this ...
Mechanomics for cell therapies | Cambridge Consultants

‘Cell mechanomics’ for drug discoveries, cell therapies and precision cancer medicine

Cell4D is developing ‘fingerprinting’ technology for live cells using mechanomics, a discipline sitting at the intersection of biology and biomechanics. This biomarker that is used to screen and sort live cells for cell therapies ...
Global pharma drug delivery collaboration | Cambridge Consultants


Start-up technology risk management | Cambridge Consultants

Start-up technology risk management in The Engine venture ecosystem

Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong ...
AI-enhanced super-resolution surgery

AI-enhanced imaging for superhuman surgery

AI-based methods are offering superhuman image enhancement. But their medical applications are not without risk – unless, that is, you consider a hybrid approach… ...
The opportunities for wireless in hospital healthcare

The opportunities for wireless in hospital healthcare

This whitepaper describes the benefits of introducing advanced wireless capabilities into surgical and critical care settings, the technical approaches to achieve this, and the challenges that can arise. It concludes with our vision for some exemplar use cases.  ...
Connected healthcare digital biomarkers

Digital biomarkers for patient-empowering connected health

The future promises a digitally connected healthcare system that empowers both patients and carers alike. So, what’s the next step for pharma companies and device developers with ambitions in the space? ...
The Engine MIT venture ecosystem

ボストン・エコシステムの中核 The Engineとの連携強化

この度のケンブリッジコンサルタンツのブランドリニューアルにより、The Engineとの関係がより強固になりました。The Engineは、MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)によって設立されたベンチャーキャピタルであり、気候変動、健康といった長期での社会的課題解決を目指すアーリーステージの「タフテック」企業を支援しています。戦略的パートナーとして、士気が高く、使命感に溢れているスタートアップの起業家と関わることは、弊社にとって大きな喜びです。
Single photon advanced optical sensing innovation

A breakthrough in advanced optical sensing

The ability to count and track individual units of light can have an exciting range of applications across medtech and beyond, as a recent collaboration with Cambridge University has proved ...











