
Digital biomarkers for patient-empowering connected health
The future promises a digitally connected healthcare system that empowers both patients and carers alike. So, what’s the next step for pharma companies and device developers with ambitions in the space? ...

In vitro diagnostics needs seismic change to improve patient outcomes and deliver economic benefits – Technology Network
The current state of in vitro diagnostics is no longer fit for purpose. Inadequate procedures mean that critical insights are often missed, while expenditure statistics on both sides of the Atlantic reveal lagging levels of investment ...

ボストン・エコシステムの中核 The Engineとの連携強化
この度のケンブリッジコンサルタンツのブランドリニューアルにより、The Engineとの関係がより強固になりました。The Engineは、MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)によって設立されたベンチャーキャピタルであり、気候変動、健康といった長期での社会的課題解決を目指すアーリーステージの「タフテック」企業を支援しています。戦略的パートナーとして、士気が高く、使命感に溢れているスタートアップの起業家と関わることは、弊社にとって大きな喜びです。

A breakthrough in advanced optical sensing
The ability to count and track individual units of light can have an exciting range of applications across medtech and beyond, as a recent collaboration with Cambridge University has proved ...

Why the world needs digitally connected active implant innovation
Dr Ashwini Sharan and Cambridge Consultants provoked debate with a film, ‘A day in the life of a Parkinson’s patient in 2030’, which imagined seamless therapy enabled by smart active implants, surgical robotics, digital connectivity and AI ...

Should robots control accuracy and precision in surgery?
Should we be designing systems that autonomously control both accuracy and precision for the best outcome of the patient? Andy Savarese explores the questions and looks ahead as the role of surgical robotics evolves ...

Revolutionising health monitoring could just be the start for photonics
Photonics promises to revolutionise health monitoring. Here, Tom Watson explores the wider potential in personalised medicine – and provides insight into overcoming the key challenges that lie ahead ...

In vitro diagnostics needs seismic change
The current state of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) is no longer fit for purpose. In vitro diagnostics needs seismic change to improve patient outcomes and deliver economic benefits ...

Getting the right distributed data architecture for you
To decentralise, or not to decentralise, that is the question. This Web3 dilemma reflects the likely thoughts of current digital leaders who want to make the best use of their digital assets while maintaining trust in their data systems ...