

Genomics, panomics and long read sequencing

Genomics, panomics and long read sequencing for better patient care

Symon Cotton has been reflecting on the future of the genomics ecosystem. Here he discusses how genomics – plus the emergence of panomics and long read sequencing – could inform clinical practice and patient care ...
DNA testing and precision medicine | Cambridge Consultants

What next for precision medicine?

The world of DNA testing is changing fast and the race is on to provide cheap, quick genetic diagnoses for patients. Symon Cotton, Head of Life Sciences takes a look at the opportunities on offer for companies working in this ...
Sustainability in drug delivery product design innovation

Sustainability at the heart of drug delivery product design

Lizzie Thomas presents her case for designing improved, sustainable drug delivery product design. Currently, the approach is dominated at the outset by patient-centricity. This focus means that wider, more long-term implications simply aren’t considered early enough ...
Mechanomics for cell therapies | Cambridge Consultants

‘Cell mechanomics’ for drug discoveries, cell therapies and precision cancer medicine

Cell4D is developing ‘fingerprinting’ technology for live cells using mechanomics, a discipline sitting at the intersection of biology and biomechanics. This biomarker that is used to screen and sort live cells for cell therapies ...
Global pharma drug delivery collaboration | Cambridge Consultants


Start-up technology risk management | Cambridge Consultants

Start-up technology risk management in The Engine venture ecosystem

Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong ...
AI-enhanced super-resolution surgery

AI-enhanced imaging for superhuman surgery

AI-based methods are offering superhuman image enhancement. But their medical applications are not without risk – unless, that is, you consider a hybrid approach… ...
Biofuel decarbonisation of aviation

HBx could spur the air industry towards net zero

Decarbonising aviation is a herculean task, but the HBx organism holds the potential to radically change both the carbon intensity of transport fuels and the economics of the biofuel industry ...
The opportunities for wireless in hospital healthcare

The opportunities for wireless in hospital healthcare

This whitepaper describes the benefits of introducing advanced wireless capabilities into surgical and critical care settings, the technical approaches to achieve this, and the challenges that can arise. It concludes with our vision for some exemplar use cases.  ...











