

Precision spraying and biologicals – driving collaboration

Precision spraying and biologicals – driving collaboration

As regulations deter the use of chemical-based agri products, changes across the value chain will drive more sustainable precision spraying and biologicals ...
The next steps in harnessing biological computing for a sustainable future

The next steps in harnessing biological computing for a sustainable future

What is biological computing, and what role will it play when looking to the sustainable technology of the future? ...
Trusted soil measurement is the key to scaled regenerative agriculture

Trusted soil measurement is the key to scaled regenerative agriculture

Businesses are committed to sustainability and net zero targets. Regenerative agriculture has a huge role to play to help meet these targets and reduce environmental impact ...
Collaborating with Vodafone to support the UN Global Biodiversity Framework

Collaborating with Vodafone to support the UN Global Biodiversity Framework

CC is collaborating with telecommunications multinational Vodafone on an exciting project that supports the ambitions of the UN’s Global Biodiversity Framework for businesses. A technology solution is being developed to tackle conflict when humans and wildlife coexist in close proximity ...
Biologics and biofuels for agriculture


サステナブルなバイオ燃料など世の中を変えるようなバイオ製品の可能性が視界に入ってきていますが、事業の拡大をなしとげ、環境面の優位性を実証するためには、農業分野での協業が必要となっています。サンフランシスコでのWorld Agri-Tech Innovation Summit参加したニール モトラムが、この有望な議論を裏打ちする行動の必要性を訴えます...
Sustainability in drug delivery product design innovation

Sustainability at the heart of drug delivery product design

Lizzie Thomas presents her case for designing improved, sustainable drug delivery product design. Currently, the approach is dominated at the outset by patient-centricity. This focus means that wider, more long-term implications simply aren’t considered early enough ...
Start-up technology risk management | Cambridge Consultants

Start-up technology risk management in The Engine venture ecosystem

Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong ...
Microalgae carbon capture | Cambridge Consultants


Carbon modelling tool for product sustainability

Our carbon footprint modelling tool for product sustainability

Over a series of discussions with clients on sustainability we’ve been building a quick and accessible modelling tool to model the carbon cost implications of typical high-volume products across a variety of markets ...











