


Autonomous collaborative UAV fleets will unlock commercial opportunity

Autonomous collaborative UAV fleets will unlock commercial opportunity

Uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) applications promise significant rewards from new commercial use cases… But how does the industry bring about uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) commercial viability? Stewart Marsh explains how a new generation of autonomous collaborative UAV fleets could provide an answer for commercial UAS operations… ...
Drug delivery implant miniaturisation opens doors for disruptive innovation


次世代の体内埋め込み型(インプラント)ドラッグデリバリーデバイスの未来はどのようなものになるのでしょうか。ハリー ムーアマンは、スマートで小型化されたアクティブインプラントのイノベーションにおいて、ケンブリッジコンサルタンツのコンセプトのブレークスルーが、開発と商業的成長の機が熟した市場に大きなチャンスをもたらすと考えています。
The deep tech opportunities for surgical robotics

The deep tech opportunities for surgical robotics

Our digital surgery team was out in force at the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. In this article, VP of Digital Surgery Andrew Savarese reflects on the insights and analysis, and introduces key topics that characterise the deep tech opportunities that are unfolding… ...
Smart infrastructure and the intelligent city: unlocking the complexity


Powering the future of implantable medical devices

Powering the future of implantable medical devices

One of the major questions to address when designing a new implantable medical device is how best to power it. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of the field, medical device development expert Neil Rosewell has identified the top six issues around smart implant power that developers need to bear in ...
Quantum computing adoption – it’s time to seize the initiative

Quantum computing adoption – it’s time to seize the initiative

Quantum technology commercial adoption will be gradual – but that doesn’t mean ambitious business leaders should adopt a wait and see approach. In this video interview with Chris Bruce of Cambridge Tech Week, quantum algorithm expert James Cruise outlines his vision for quantum technology, and specifically quantum computing ...
What is neuromorphic computing and why do businesses and society need it?

What is neuromorphic computing and why do businesses and society need it?

Neuromorphic computing, inspired by biology and mimicking the human brain, promises both extraordinary performance and incredible energy efficiency ...
Overcoming the regulatory challenges of smart ophthalmic devices

Overcoming the regulatory challenges of smart active ophthalmic devices

The ophthalmology world is welcoming a new wave of sophisticated implant technology designed to transform diagnosis and treatment ...
What is the key to successful ophthalmology home monitoring?

What is the key to successful ophthalmology home monitoring?

The digital future of ophthalmology comes with the promise of improved patient access, better quality of care, reduced workloads, optimised efficiencies and improved quality of life for patients and HCPs. There are many challenges to be overcome, not least the need to develop data, workflows and technologies in tandem. One ...











